1-704-835-1057 | OPEN 7 Days a Week | 3920 Sharon Rd Ste 110, Charlotte, NC 28211 theorganicsleepshop@gmail.com
Create A Custom Mattress

Create A Custom Mattress

You spend a lot of time in bed—shouldn’t you love the way it feels? Shouldn’t you have a custom mattress created specifically for you? We, at The Organic Sleep Shop, want to help you discover your comfort in a custom Naturepedic EOS Organic Mattress. Each and...
Are Organic Mattresses Worth The Money?

Are Organic Mattresses Worth The Money?

When you first discover the world of organic mattresses, there’s a little bit of sticker shock. What could possibly be so different about organic mattresses? What are the benefits you get from the cost? And the biggest question on everyone’s mind… is an organic...
Don’t Be Fooled By Your Mattress

Don’t Be Fooled By Your Mattress

We all have those nights where it takes a little longer than usual to fall asleep. As you’re tossing and turning, it’s normal for your mind to travel to all sorts of interesting places. But besides thinking about tomorrow’s to-do list or the midnight snack you’re...
2019 Best Kids Mattress

2019 Best Kids Mattress

Business Insider Selects Naturepedic Verse Best Kids Mattress “The Naturepedic Verse Organic Kids Mattress is Business Insider top pick. It’s comfortable, durable, and guaranteed not to exacerbate allergies, illnesses, or any sensitivities.” Business...
Adjustable Bed Base and Your Latex Mattress

Adjustable Bed Base and Your Latex Mattress

Savvy Rest explains everything you need to know about an adjustable bed and your latex mattress. With so many adjustable bed frames out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. Knowing which features you’re looking for in a bed will help eliminate some...
Will Naturepedic Crib Mattress Fit?

Will Naturepedic Crib Mattress Fit?

Naturepedic explains how to know if their mattress will fit your crib. Starting to shop for a crib mattress for your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy? When browsing, you may be surprised to find that from brand to brand cribs don’t just differ aesthetically. In fact,...

Come see Lukasz & Tomas at our new store in Southpark.

3920 Sharon Rd, Ste 110 Charlotte, NC 28211| 704-835-1057

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